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PEL - Protection for Enrolled Learners

The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012) - Part 6, stipulates that the legal requirements for QQI Providers of education and training regarding the Protection of Enrolled Learners (PEL).


What is the 2012 Act looking for:

The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 tries to ensure that learners have the opportunity to complete a programme in full that leads to an award.  To ensure this, learners are refunded their most recently paid monies if a programme ends before they complete it.  From the start, learners are given adequate and accurate information about the Programme they book and given information regarding the protection that is put in place by Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd., in the unlikely event that the training programme ceases prior to their completion.


What is PEL?


PEL is a legal requirement on Education and Training Providers to make sure that there are adequate PEL arrangements available for specified programmes of training delivery.  These programmes are delivered over three months or longer.


If a training provider, such as Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd., ceases to provide training delivery, for any reason, the learners who are currently undertaking a QQI programme of study must be accommodated on the same course in the same geographical area delivered by another qualified training provider, OR be offered a refund of the money paid for training (which has not been delivered) in full.

Learner Protection

  1. Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd has put in place appropriate arrangements for the protection of learners on QQI programmes which have a duration of three months or longer, should Lir Business Services & Training Centre unexpectedly cease to provide such a QQI programme. To comply with this, Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd has either: (1) arrangements in place with at least two other QQI registered organisations so that learners may transfer to complete their programme, or (2) an Insurance with Arachas/Insurance policy in place so that learners may be refunded. This applies to programmes that are 3 months or longer. Please note that the Insurance Policy will expire on the same date as the expiry date of your course.

  2. For programmes 3 months or longer: “Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd has the approval to offer students learner protection insurance.  Learner Protection Insurance is only in place when each student receives their Insurance Policy.  Each Learner should ensure that they receive a Learner Protection Insurance Policy in their name.  Learner Protection Insurance is provided by Arachas and underwritten by Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC.  Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC, trading as Aviva, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.  The Learner Protection Policy provides for a refund of fees as specified in the 2012 Act.  In some circumstances, it may be possible for a learner to transfer to a similar programme with another provider.  In such circumstances, the learner may opt to receive the cost of an alternative similar academic programme.  The Learner Protection Insurance policy is governed by s. 65(4)(b) of the 2012 Act.” 

  3. Learners agree that in the event of Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd ceasing to provide a QQI programme which is 3 months or longer, that learner data (including registration data and assessments) may be transferred to QQI or QQI registered organisations to assist in the completion of the programmes.


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