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frequently asked questions showing colourful question marks
  • What courses do Lir Business Services & Training Centre offer?
    Lir is a provider of programmes leading to QQI Awards: Lir offers Blended/Online, Self-paced (with weekly check-ins and online Tutor support) and Classroom Attendance courses, covering a range of modules, leading to 5M2468 Business Administration Level 5 and/or 6M4985 Business Level 6 Major Awards and/or modules leading to the 6S3372 Training & Development Special Purpose Award (Train the Trainer) These awards all include standalone component certificates in the various modules that make up the Major Award. We also offer various ICDL (formerly ECDL) modules. Details on all our courses are on our website through the Lir Menu Bar at the top of your screen, or through Lir Training button on the website. For more information on our courses. We are here to answer any of your queries, at Lir Reception (044) 9342754 or
  • Have I access to computer software to complete modules?
    Yes. Depending your your course, you automatically have access to Microsoft 365 applications and Bookkeeping and Payroll through Lir for the duration of your course. We provide licensed Microsoft 365 software to each Learner for your course.
  • Is there a social side to completing Blended/Online courses at Lir?
    Yes, you have the opportunity of attending Online Events, get-togethers and break times to celebrate certification, achievements and meet other Learners from other modules. There are future plans to meet outside the virtual classroom and meet in social settings for Learners around the country.
  • How do I enrol on a Course at Lir?
    You can enrol online on or Phone Lir Reception (044) 9342754 Send an email to
  • When can I start my course?
    Blended Learning Course: Our Blended 'Live' Tutor Online classes - are scheduled at different times online throughout the year. The Upcoming Courses schedule is available. Self-Paced Course: Our Self-paced Course, you can enrol anytime throughout the year. Classroom-based QQI Courses: Our classroom-based courses - are scheduled at different times and locations throughout the year. The Upcoming Courses schedule is available.
  • How long do I have to complete my course?
    QQI Component Module: You have between 8 to 10 weeks to complete your module/course (QQI Level 5 or Level 6) depending on the delivery mode. QQI Major Award: You have 1 year (full-time) or 18 months (part-time) to complete all 8 modules that make up your Major Award. ICDL Modules: You have 6 months to finish your ICDL online module.
  • How can I pay the Course fee?
    There are several options available: you can pay by credit or debit card, cash, or EFT. Pay fee on our website: To make a payment directly to Lir Business Services & Training Centre go to the module/course on or and Pay Course Fee there. Or Secure Payment Link: Contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 Or Bank Transfer/EFT: Bank of Ireland, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath BIC: BOFIIE2D IBAN: IE58BOFI90185348758224 Please reference the Lir Invoice No.
  • What does the Course Fee cover?
    Course fees include your Tuition, Online Course Content, Online Tutor Support, Learner Handbook, Learner Supports and Certification. Note: If the Learner receives a QQI Major Award having completed a module with Lir, there is an additional fee of €50.
  • Do I have any Protection as a Learner regarding paid fees?
    Yes, we have Protection for Learners for courses 3 months or over in duration which means that if we cease trading in the middle of providing a programme to you over 3 months duration, or for circumstances beyond our control, we have legally binding arrangements in place for you to finish your programme through other options or to refund fees most recently paid by you. Click here for more details on PEL (Protection for Enrolled Learners)
  • Is there a Course Cancellation Policy?
    In cases where a Learner has withdrawn from a module/course, the following discretionary waivers apply: If Learner has accessed the module/course - 0% refund. If Learner has not accessed the module/course - 70% refund. Any module/course that is part of a Special Offer or Special Discount is not subject to a refund. Contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 for any queries.
  • Can I obtain funding for a Certified course at Lir?
    Yes. If you are in receipt of either Jobseeker or Social Welfare payments, funding may be available to you (subject to certain criteria) by contacting your local INTREO Office for DEASP funding, or a (TESG) Technical Employment Support Grant (up to €500 grant available). Remember to bring a copy of the course brochure with you or to email a brochure when applying for funding (details are on for each module/course. If successful, you will be given a form for us to fill out and send back. If you are on a CE (Community Employment Scheme, discounted course fees are also available). Contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 or email
  • Does Lir offer a flexi-payment option for course fees?
    Yes. Terms and conditions apply. For further information, contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 to discuss same.
  • Who do I contact for details on courses?
    Phone Lir Reception (044) 934 2754 or email
  • What Personal Data does Lir collect on behalf of QQI?
    Lir Business Services & Training Centre is required to collect certain Personal Data to facilitate the processing of Learners for QQI awards. On the Lir Learner Registration Form you will be asked for your PPSN, your Date of Birth and Gender. QQI has a range of statutory functions detailed in the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. One of those functions is to make awards to learners who complete a programme validated by QQI. To make these awards, QQI requires your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) and details as above. See here. QQI has delegated the responsibility of collecting your personal data (above) to QQI Providers, like ourselves. This data is entered by Lir into QQI's secure online system.
  • What online Learning Management System does Lir use?
    We use Zenler and can't recommend it highly enough. Click this link if you are interested in knowing more.
  • Who are QQI?
    Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is a state agency established by the Quality Assurance and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 2012. QQI are responsible for the N.F.Q. (National Framework of Qualifications). QQI send out your certificate to Lir after successful completion of your course and we forward the Certificate to you.
  • Are Lir Business Services & Training Centre’s courses listed on the N.F.Q?
    Lir Business Services & Training Centre is a provider of programmes leading to QQI awards. The courses that Lir provide (certified by QQI through our QA Policies & Procedures) are QQI modules recognized on the N.F.Q at Level 5 and Level 6 in Ireland, the UK, Europe and Internationally. For more information on the N.F.Q. click here.
  • Is Lir Business Services & Training Centre an Approved Provider?
    QQI: Lir Business Services & Training Centre was established in 1988 and agreed its Quality Assurance procedures with QQI (Quality Qualifications Ireland) in 2008. Since then, Lir has Re-engaged with QQI to have their current Policies and Procedures agreed. Lir Business Services & Training Centre is a provider of programmes leading to QQI Awards. Lir is also offers ECDL courses since 1992. For more information, click here.
  • How are Lir Training Courses delivered?
    For Blended Online Learning, you attend the ‘Live’ Tutor sessions that are scheduled weekly and you have online contact with your Tutor between classes, in small groups, or one-to-one. You also have access to the Lir eLearning Hub for self-directed learning, new content and revision outside of the 'Live' Tutor Online sessions. Each module runs between 8 to 10 weeks. For dates and scheduled times, see Lir Upcoming Course Dates. For Self-Paced Learning, you have access to your course through the Lir eLearning Hub. This is self-directed learning and you have online contact with your Tutor throughout the week and during weekly check-ins. Each module runs between 8 to 10 weeks and your time starts on fully registering on the course where you will meet your Tutor for an online Induction to the learning environment in the Lir eLearning Hub. You also have the option of joining into any 'Live' Tutor classes that have been scheduled in the Blended Online Learning delivery for that module. For Classroom-based Learning, you attend classes in a physical classroom on the scheduled weekly dates and location specified. Each course/ module runs between 5 to 10 weeks. For dates and scheduled times, see Lir Upcoming Course Dates. For In-Company Learning, contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 or for details on training we can provide for your company, the delivery modes we can offer and how we can tailor our courses to your needs and those of your employees. As a Lir Learner you will have access to your course materials at any time, including extra support materials for academic writing and plagiarism as detailed in Lir Learner Supports and your Lir Learner Handbook. Each module, when successfully completed, is worth 15 credits and this may lead to completing a Major Award (120 credits) if you decide to add more modules. Remember to discuss this with your Tutor or contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 or
  • Do I need access to a computer?
    Yes, you will need to have access to a computer that is connected to the internet/wifi whether you are doing a Blended/Online course, Self-paced with Tutor support or classroom-based, in order to access the course materials in Lir Teams or the Lir eLearning Hub, and complete your assignments and final assessments.
  • What is a Major, Minor, Component, Specific Purpose or Supplementary Award:"
    A Major Award is the principal class of award made at each level. It represents a significant volume of learning outcomes. A major award will prepare learners for employment, participation in society and community and access to higher levels of education and training. A Certificate will be awarded to all learners who successfully complete the major award requirements at levels 1-5 and an Advanced Certificate will be awarded at level 6. All major awards comprise a combination of minor and/or special purpose awards. The learner must successfully achieve all the stated requirements in order to achieve the major award. Learners may gather the appropriate minor and special purpose awards over time to achieve the major award. A Minor award is an award that is derived from and must link to, at least one major, special purpose or supplemental award. Minor awards are smaller than their parent award(s). A minor award is referred to as a Component. A Component Certificate will be awarded to all learners who successfully complete one or more components (i.e. minor awards) but not the full or particular requirement for the Certificate. A Special Purpose Award is made for specific and relatively narrow purposes. All special purpose awards comprise one or more components. The learner must successfully achieve all the stated requirements in order to achieve the special purpose award. A Supplemental Award is an award which recognises learning which involves updating/up-skilling and/or continuing education and training with specific regard to occupations. All supplemental awards comprise one or more components. A Supplemental Certificate will be awarded to learners who successfully complete the award requirements.
  • Can I apply for exemptions for my previous qualifications towards a QQI Major Award?
    Click here for more information on Recognition of Prior Learning.
  • Can I transfer to another Course?
    This is discussed between you and your Tutor, and then brought to the attention of the Training Co-ordinator to agree on further steps.
  • Where can I get additional Course materials?
    All course materials are available online for registered Learners. You re given access to the Lir Teams and Lir eLearning online environment at Induction. However, there are extra resources also available and links if required in Lir Teams during any 'Live' Tutor online scheduled classes.
  • Will I receive a QQI certificate at the end of my course?
    On successful completion of your QQI modules and assigned assessments, you will receive a QQI Component Certificate stating the module title and grade (Pass, Merit, or Distinction).
  • Do I have to attend Classes or Online Lectures?
    Course Delivery Modes: Blended Online Course (blended learning): there are 'Live' Tutor sessions in a virtual class, at least once per week, depending the the training needs of the Learners and you have access to the Lir eLearning Hub for self-directed learning. It is essential that time is set aside during the week to complete this. Self-paced Online Course (online learning): you complete your course on the Lir eLearning Hub and have Online Tutor support (also by phone and email) throughout the week and weekly check-ins. This course has to be completed within the duration time, as indicated on course materials. Classroom-based Course (face-to-face): you attend your class in a physical room with others.
  • How does Assessment work with an online QQI course at Lir?
    Strict regulations are in place for all QQI assessments. Depending on the module you are completing, the assessments will be online with controls in place, or in a physical room. This information will be given to you at the Learner Pre-Course Interview.
  • What are QQI Course credits?
    On successful completion of each module, you achieve 15 credits for a minor award. By completing 8 modules you achieve 120 credits for a Major Award. Always check to make sure you complete the Mandatory modules listed on the particular Major Award. View 5M2468 Business Administration Major Award and modules on Lir website OR view on the Lir eLearning Hub: View 6M4985 Business Major Award and modules on Lir website OR view on the Lir eLearning Hub: View 6S3372 Training & Development (Special Purpose) Award and modules on Lir website OR view on the Lir eLearning Hub:
  • How much study time will I have to do to complete one Module?
    Approximately 150 hours of study effort are required for a QQI Level 5 or Level 6 modules. This is based on an estimation of the average time it takes a learner to achieve outcomes. It depends on you, the Learner, but it is recommended to set aside 15 – 18 hours per week outside of your 'Live' Tutor online classes. The more study and self-directed learning time you apply to your course, will impact on your final grade.
  • Can I apply for an extension to complete my course?
    Contact the Lir Training Co-ordinator at Lir Reception (044) 9342754 to discuss your options.
  • How does the QQI Certification Process work?
    On successful completion of your course, you will receive your Provisional Result with an indication as to when you will receive your Certificate/Award. You have the option to appeal your result. Make sure to read your Lir Learner Handbook or the Lir Learner Support webpage.
  • Can I appeal a course result?
    The details on how to appeal a course result are in your Learner Handbook and in the Lir Learner Support webpage. They are also listed in our QA Policies and Procedures. Contact the Lir Training Co-ordinator at Lir Reception (044) 9342754
  • On completion of a Level 5 or Level 6 Major Award, can I progress further to third level?"
    Yes, to discuss your options with a trained Recruitment and Training Professional, contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 to make an appointment.
  • What is the duration in completing a Module/Component/Minor or a Major Award?
    For a single Module (Course) you have 8 weeks in which to complete your module. For a Major Award (8 modules) you have one year in which to complete your Award (Course) - full-time, or two years - part-time. For any queries regarding your ability to finish your module/major award, simply contact us to apply for an extension, to be agreed.
  • How long has Lir Business Services & Training Centre been in operation as a Private Training Provider?
    34 Years as a Private Training Provider Background: In 1988 Lir was established in May 1988, initially as a Lir Secretarial Services company. In 1990 Lir changed its name to Lir Business Services & Training Centre to encompass all the training and services that we offer. This included teaching computer and secretarial skills: Pitman and City & Guilds courses to adults and providing computer skills courses In-company and to children both privately and in second level schools. In 2003 Lir became an ECDL Training Provider, providing ECDL courses and still provide courses certified by ICDL (formerly ECDL) In 2004 Lir established Lir Recruitment Services where we mainly placed Learners who had completed our courses into companies in the locality and surrounding counties. In 2008 Lir Business Services & Training Centre became a provider of programmes leading to FETAC Awards (changed name to QQI in 2012). In 2012 Lir Business Services & Training Centre became a provider of programmes leading to QQI Awards (formerly FETAC). In 2013 Lir Business Services & Training Centre split into two companies: Lir Business Services & Training Centre Ltd Yes We Can Printing (a fully fledged printing company) In 2020 Lir Business Services & Training Centre provided blended, self-paced and online learning, including QQI modules (under a Contingency Plan with QQI). In 2022 Lir Business Services & Training Centre has Reengaged with QQI to have its new QA Policies and Procedures agreed.
  • What type of Tutor support will I get during my course?
    So you have started on Phase 1 of your Lir Learner Journey with Lir Business Services & Training Centre so it is very important to us that we provide you with everything you need to complete your course and that we meet your expectations. Once we receive a completed Lir Learner Registration form, we contact you by phone to discuss your entry level and your learning goals. After our discussion, we may suggest that another course is more suitable or we may highlight additional pre-course learning resources that would be useful. As a registered Learner, you will be given access to the Lir Learner Support section on our website where you will find your Learner Handbook, Learner Supports and Resources and a guide on how to use the Lir eLearning Hub for online learning and self-directed learning. During your Course Induction, we take you through the course structure and how your course is going to be assessed, including course assignment submission and/or exam dates and times. We are available for the duration of your course, to assist you with any queries.
  • Who are ECDL/ICDL?
    ICS Skills is the Irish licensee for the ECDL Foundation, the certifying authority of the leading international computer skills certification programme – ECDL/ICDL (European Computer Driving Licence). ECDL is now rebranded as ICDL. Click here for ECDL Courses
  • How does the ECDL Certification Process work?
    On successful completion of your online course, you arrange an exam date with the Lir Training Co-ordinator. The exam is recorded online so you must have a camera, and audio and abide by exam instructions given.
  • How does Assessment work with an ECDL course?
    Enter your answer here
  • Will I receive an ICDL (ECDL) certificate at the end of my course?
    On successful completion of your ICDL (formerly ECDL) module you will receive a Virtual Certificate in that module.
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