This module has to be completed in order to gain the full QQI 5M2468 Business Admin Major Award. An ideal module for all the administrative responsibilities in an office environment with lots of practical tips from Tutors who have years of experience working in different office environments.

We have Microsoft 365 software available to all our current Lir Learners and Lir Staff free of charge. This software is subscription-free software and ensures that all Lir Learners and Lir Staff have the latest version of Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Teams - giving you one less headache to worry about as you start on your course with Lir.
So, how do you install Office 365 on a PC or a laptop.
On a PC:
Go to Make sure you are signed out of your own Microsoft account before you sign into the one provided by Lir.
Click Sign In and type in your new Lir email address and Lir password.
Select the App Launcher then select any App to start using it.
If you prefer, you can click 'Lir Learner Teams' button above, to go directly to Microsoft Teams for your 'Live' Tutor Classes.