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  • Frances G

I'm Back ...

Yes, I'm finally back from successfully completing a B.Sc. in Education and Training in DCU. Why, you may ask, is this news? Well, I have always been keen to update my knowledge and skills over the years; each year taking on a new course, but this time, I said 'no more excuses' and decided to take on a degree that would (it has to be said) take up a lot of my time, especially as I was still working, but it was so well worth it. How much better off am I now? I honestly cannot quantify the benefits of completing this programme from a professional and personal perspective, but I came back to Lir armed with so much relevant, uptodate, and jaw-dropping knowledge and skills to pour into all the courses we run at Lir Business Services & Training Centre which will, no doubt, keep me and our staff busy and give you, the learner, a far better experience. I have a new-found perspective on the Further Education and Training sector, on accreditation, our clients, and the needs of the adult learners that embark on our courses. So, starting with a Level 5 or 6 recognised qualification is the first step ...

needless to say, more to come ...

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