I have heard this question many times and the simple answer is that it depends on the employer and what they need. It also depends on what you enjoy doing. After all, you will be spending a big chunk of your day working in this area, so some thought is necessary.
So without any insider knowledge, what we do know is that most businesses need someone to do bookkeeping and payroll. If you were to start up a business in the morning, I'm sure this is a question you would ask yourself 'who will I get to do my bookkeeping and eventually my payroll?
To this end, a QQI Bookkeeping and/or QQI Payroll Level 5 course is a place to start. Being accurate, looking at things logically, and being tenacious in your effort to balance everything can be a very rewarding part of your job. Here at Lir Business Services & Training Centre, classes are small, tutors friendly and helpful - a structure is in place so that it becomes a place where you don't feel intimidated by trying to catch up with anyone, or getting frustrated because some in the class are working at a slower pace than you are. Every one needs more time on some aspects of a course, and less in other areas, so this is the place to start. If bookkeeping and payrol is just not your 'thing' then for information, check out this website www.lirbusinesscentre.com, or email training@lirbusinesscentre.com, or phone Lir Reception 044-934 2754 to speak to someone who can help you in your choice.