This module has to be completed in order to gain the full QQI 5M2468 Business Admin Major Award. An ideal module for all the administrative responsibilities in an office environment with lots of practical tips from Tutors who have years of experience working in different office environments.

Looking for possible Funding / Grants for Lir Courses
If you are a Job Seeker, you may be eligible for a funding/a grant from the Department of Social Welfare for your course. The granting of funding is solely at the discretion of the Social Welfare Job Facilitator. The decision is based on funds availability, and that you satisfy the eligibility criteria. If you are interested in finding out if you qualify for funding:
Contact your local DSP (Department of Social Welfare Office) and arrange an appointment to meet with a Job Facilitator to check your eligibility for funding.
Inform the Job Facilitator that you have discussed your training options with a Training Professional at Lir and by successfully completing this course with Lir Business Services & Training Centre, you will have progressed further towards reaching your goal, which is gaining employment.
This is totally at the discretion of the Job Facilitator and if they agree, they will give you a funding form for Lir to fill out.
Post the form to Lir Business Services & Training Centre and we will send them to your local DSP Office, as stated on the form.
If approved, you will receive an Approval Form, so contact Lir Reception (044) 9342754 to book your place on your course.
Training Support Grant
This grant is from the Department of Social Protection (DSP) of up to €1,000 and is designed to fund quick access to short-term training or related interventions, obtaining or renewing certification and permits for individual job-seekers that have identified work opportunities, or where case officers have identified an immediate skills gap that represents an obstacle to taking up a job offer.
Technical Employment Support Grant
This grant is provided for accredited/Irish industry accredited programmes. Accreditation can be up to and including QQI Level 6 (or equivalent awards within the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).