This module has to be completed in order to gain the full QQI 5M2468 Business Admin Major Award. An ideal module for all the administrative responsibilities in an office environment with lots of practical tips from Tutors who have years of experience working in different office environments.

36 Year Celebration at Lir
Celebrating 36 years in business and so thankful to all our clients, visitors, learners, staff (past and present) and to everyone who has some input into Lir Business Services & Training Centre. As part of this celebration, we will post several informal chats on how I started initially, to where we are today. So keep coming back to the next chat.
A quick explanation ... many thanks all.
This is where I answer question based on how I started and so on.
We are really getting into the nuts and bolts of being self-employed, the good and not-so-good times.
A chance to look at what we are doing and what may be ahead ...
Lir's 1st Newspaper Article
Published 2nd July 1988
This was our very first newspaper promotion.

Lir Secretarial Services
1 Mount Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath
Phone: 044 93 42754
Frances Gallagher, no stranger to Secretarial Work and computers in general, has ten years experience on computers. Recognised the need for a good, efficient, flexible and highly confidential Secretarial Service in Mullingar. Geared towards today’s business needs.
Services available, will appeal to everyone. Everyone needs letters typed, replied to, composed etc. Businesses, no matter what size need Invoices, Statements, Orders, Quotations typed. Hotels, Restaurants, Engineers, Students, Builders, Doctors need Price-lists, Menus, Reports and Projects typed.
The ever-increasing need for Baptismal, Birthday, Wedding and Anniversary Invitations, including Guest Lists typed. Forms of all description need typing i.e. Application Forms, Visa Forms, C.V’s typed.
Extras such as Calling Cards, Information Leaflets, Reminder Notes, Debt Collection letters, Rotas, Labels and Envelopes typed.
As Secretary to your Club, Association, Company etc. why not make use of a Shorthand Typist who will take the Minutes of your Meeting and type them up the next day. Everyone can be let down at some time or another so why not avail of the Office Temp Service which has been used mostly due to illness, absenteeism, maternity leave and especially during the holiday season. We cannot stress enough, the guarantee of confidentiality that automatically comes with each service.
Frances has been a Scout Leader in Mullingar for the past ten years as the Club Leader for six years and as a Venture Scout Leader (15-21 years) to date. She can fully understand the frustration of many young adults leaving school and trying to cope with future employment especially the Secretarial Year students who have wonderful results but need that extra bit of confidence. A lot of people have signed up over the past two weeks as potential Office Temps but was surprised to note the lack of people who have workable shorthand. My advice to those leaving school for the Secretarial Year is to keep up the skill. Why spend a whole year or two developing the skill and then forget about it.
Our Office Temps comprise of Secretaries, both male and female, Dictaphone Typists, Word Processing Operators, Telephonists, Computer Operators, Accounting Machine Operators, Clerks, and Accountants, Bi-Lingual Secretaries in French and German with shorthand in both. Many have Certificates in Business Studies, Diplomas in Management Finance. Some have attended Secretarial Courses locally.
The experience of these Office Temps means there is someone suitable for every business. Confidential Secretaries to Plant Managers, Executive Secretaries who had access and control of all confidential personnel files for Management and Staff, Secretaries who can prepare Cost Reports, Overtime Reports, Budgets, Job Specifications etc. Office Temps who have worked with Insurance Brokers, as Debtors Controller in Retail Outlets, Farm Accounts, with Novelists, Shipping Supervisors, Manufacturing industries and many more.
Fax Bureau
Another service available is the Fax Bureau. I am trying my best to encourage people to use the Fax more. Most people think that Companies etc. are the only people who need to use a Fax. How many times have you been on the phone trying to describe something, a design, drawing, photograph etc. to the other person when all the fax does is lets you photocopy your information down the phone line and then the option to talk if need be. Shops ordering goods, Solicitors exchanging documents, agreements, etc. quickly, Record shops wanting up-to-the-minute Chart Ratings, Album Covers, Video Covers, Price-lists etc. This list is endless but a definite saving in valuable time and money is an asset to anyone. Fax messages are collected and delivered locally – our fax number is (044) 42755.
Office Space
Modern bright Office Space available for that all important meeting where you would rather meet people away from home if your business runs from home, or away from your place of work where ever it is. Mostly away from places that seem too informal for the talks you want to conduct. A morning, or an evening to conduct interviews. For a day, a week, a month whatever until you establish your business or business needs. I can say with authority, that I know the number of extra overheads that can occur when you are trying to get a business moving.
People in general, are a bit anxious when it comes to handing over their data to someone else, but again I can only stress the guarantee of confidentiality one receives from these offices. Photocopying services available.
Computerised Bookkeeping is another service of invaluable assistance to any business, large or small. The service can range from the full Book-keeping service i.e. Debtors/Creditors Ledger, Stock Control then audited by either your Accountant or we can recommend an Accountant to you. On the other hand, if what you require is part of the Book-keeping Service i.e. just an account of your Customers and Suppliers then that can be arranged too.
Many people are asking for Analysis break-downs of the products they are selling by just giving me their invoices and I enter their invoices and can then inform them as to what product they are selling most of etc. Some businesses ran on a day to day basis from Secretarial Services Offices such as ours. Telephone Answering Service, your calls answered during the day. Business address Service where your mail reaches this office for your attention etc. Your daily invoices up-dated to your customer’s accounts, your purchases up-dated to your creditor’s accounts. An Aged Debtors Listing of all your customer accounts and their balances due. A Creditors Listing of your Suppliers balances and the amount owed to you. The invoices can either be your invoices or computerised invoices, the choice is yours.
All these services are just a phone call away or call to the above offices.
Stock Taking
Who likes doing the Stock taking every year or perhaps during the year? So why not let us do your Stock-taking for you? If you want to do the physical count yourself and let us do the costing or vice versa.
Leaflet Distribution
How many times have businesses thought of getting Leaflets printed and then thought of the distribution problem?