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3D Design

The 3D Design module covers the main concepts and skills needed to create three-dimensional drawings using computer-aided design (CAD).

This module develops the knowledge and skills to use 3D design software for tasks such as manipulating objects and rendering photo-realistic graphics
using lights, textures, and backgrounds.

This module is suitable for students, designers, engineers, architects, technical staff, and people who want to build on their 2D CAD skills by exploring the potential of 3D modelling. CAD is used extensively in a wide range of industries.

Що я навчуся?
Що я навчуся?

Successful candidates will be able to create, edit, and output a three-dimensional design or drawing. After passing this module, candidates will feel confident using a 3D CAD application to create high-quality designs. They will be able to:

  • understand how 3D design applications are used to create and modify drawings

  • use, save, and recall model view tools such as pan, zoom, and rotate

  • know how to draw points, lines, arcs, splines, circles, and polygons and use surface modelling to extrude surfaces and create planes,
    edge surfaces, and surface revolutions

  • create and manipulate object or graphic elements

  • know how to create photo-realistic presentations by rendering a model or scene

Online E-Learning

Вимоги до вступу
  • Leaving Certificate or equivalent, fluency in the English language and intermediate computer literacy level are required.

  • You will be required to complete and pass a basic IT Literacy entry quiz at the start of the course, if you do not pass the quiz you will not be able to continue with the programme.

  • All students should have access to a PC or laptop running a supported version of Windows (e.g Windows 10)Apple/Android devices are not supported and cannot be used for this course.

  • A broadband connection is essential to stream video content.

  • You require a web browser to view content and access web platforms. You will receive an Office 365 licence to use for the duration of the course.

Сертифікація та оцінка

Certificate of Completion

Коли я можу почати?
Плата за курс
Брошура модуля

Варіанти оплати

Payment in full through Lir Shop, or by secure Payment Link

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